Using Fullpage.js with Meteor.js

Published at 2015/05/10

If You ever wanted to make a website with full screen resolution sizes, You can use a fullpage.js plugin (it has even own atmosphere package).


We will install fullpage.js as a Meteor.js package directly from atmosphere:

meteor add add lawshe:full-page

Now we have to prepare our templates for fullpage.js usage. Basing on documentation our template should have similar structure to this:

<div id="fullpage">
    <div class="section"><!-- place your section content here --></div>
    <div class="section"><!-- place your section content here --></div>
    <div class="section"><!-- place your section content here --></div>
    <div class="section"><!-- place your section content here --></div>


At this moment, our project should have fullpage.js installed, so we can initialize it on the desired view:

Template.yourTemplateName.rendered = function() {
        verticalCentered: false,
        crollOverflow: false

And that's it - our webpage should have fullpage.js functionality!


If we want to have fullpage.js initialized at multiple views, then we can encounter a problem.

Fullpage.js will initialize multiple times when user leave one page with fullpage.js initialized and enter another with same functionality. As a result, page will "jump" on scroll in different directions or through multiple sections at once.

To fix that, we simply should add code below to our /lib/router.js file:


It will destroy existing fullpage.js instance, so new one will work properly :) Enjoy!

-- ł.

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